Playing Your Part in the Grace of Giving

Play Your Part in the Grace of Giving

In the final part of our “Holding Nothing Back” series, we focus on Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthians to play their part in the grace of giving, based on 2 Corinthians 8:1-7. Paul wanted the entire church to share the strain, not just a dedicated few.

In this season, God speaks to two types of people: those with a Macedonian spirit, who understand and practice generosity, and those with a Corinthian spirit, who hold back. To the generous, He says, “Well done, keep playing your part.” To those holding back, He lovingly urges, “Get your act together and play your part.”

Generosity brings blessings. Paul urged the Corinthians to bring to completion their act of grace (2 Corinthians 8:6). Practicing generosity regularly makes us more complete. Those who chase material things often feel insecure, while those who pursue God’s kingdom are secure and complete. Paul emphasized completeness twice in verses 6 and 7, linking it to earnestness and courteous goodwill.

Generosity breaks strongholds in our lives. When we give first to the Lord, we become smarter at managing our resources, more grateful, less wasteful, less judgmental, and more compassionate. Paul acknowledged the Corinthians’ strengths: strong faith, excellent speakers, deep knowledge of Jesus and the Bible, proactive in sharing their faith, and a loving community. Yet, to fully synchronize their faith, Paul urged them to excel in the grace of giving.

Let’s review our giving. Is it proportionate to our income? Scripture suggests 10% as a good measure. Can you sign the gift aid declaration to help the church claim back 25p for every pound you give? Can you set up a regular standing order or use the Givt App for irregular income? Can you give regularly, whether weekly or monthly, in the offering bowls or via the website?

This direct appeal might be unusual, but after eight years as your pastor, I feel compelled to emphasize the importance of generosity. Our final message in the generosity series aims to encourage all of us to take our responsibility to resource Christ’s Church seriously. Encouraging greater generosity is key to both our individual and corporate blessing.

Let’s not assume everything is okay just because the church looks well-maintained. Yes, our wealth and trust are in the Lord, but our giving needs to improve. Just as the Macedonians excelled in giving, we too must strive to excel in our service to the church.

SEE THAT YOU ALSO EXCEL. Don’t let circumstances trip you up. Boldly go where you’ve never been before. Play your part. Let’s hold nothing back in the grace of giving.

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