Making the News: The Transformative Power of Being on Fire for Jesus
Today, I want to talk about being on fire. Friends, when things catch fire, they make the news. Just this Friday, three of the main train arteries going into Paris were hit by arson attacks causing mass disruptions on the French train network. Saboteurs also attempted to knock out the Lyon-Marseille line, but that attack was foiled. These are the four main train lines going into Paris. Signal boxes connecting Paris with major cities to the northeast and southwest were damaged by fires in a massive arson attack. Whoever planned this knew the disruption would get some attention. Repairs will be going on all weekend. The fires will affect 800,000 passengers. This comes as Parisians take long summer breaks and as the capital city hosts the Olympic games. And so the point is this: when things catch fire, they cause disruption, they command attention, and they make the news. I believe the Lord wants to remind us all again today that this is what the mission of the church looks like. The mission of the church is to catch fire, cause disruption, command attention, and make the news.
Being on Fire Makes the News
Finally, we see that being on fire for Jesus makes the news. We are told in our passage that news had spread and a crowd formed (Acts 16:19-24). The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten with rods. After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. When he received these orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks.
The news about the healing, the alien visitors in Philippi, spread and made the news. And so the point is this: As you go out this week, news is going to spread. You are going to make the news. Why? Because being on fire makes the news. Maybe not on the BBC, but maybe on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok. News of your arrival here at Bethany Church is going to get out into the community. At our Summer Explosion Fun Day next Saturday, people will join us here because good news travels fast.
And so, you have a massive opportunity to make news this week with the good news of Jesus. You have a massive opportunity to change a person’s history, change people’s opinions of Jesus, and change people’s perceptions of youth and faith in this generation. And so, as ambassadors for Jesus this week, be good news people. Don’t do anything in the flesh, anything dodgy or questionable—do everything in the spirit. Be people who create good vibes. Don’t backstab, ghost each other, or be two-faced. Look out for the weak among you. Love one another—on mission together.
Be people who profoundly challenge the spiritual atmosphere. Present an alternative narrative for youth and for life. Be on fire for the higher cause of the Gospel of Jesus. Make some noise and make the news. And so I want to challenge all our parents and young people aged 11-18 at Bethany this morning: As Jesus followers, we have an opportunity to put some skin in the game. Why is it an opportunity? Our kids are timid. We are timid. We need to challenge them to put some skin in the game. And so, parents, encourage your children to taste a bit of mission this week, this summer, and as a family, make some news. Young people, get with people your age, learn from them, and learn what it looks like to be on fire for Jesus this week. Make some new friends and some news.
We have some of the greatest youth speakers coming: Josh Green, James Aladiran, Michael Marsel, Simeon, and Louisa. We have worship, outreach, and prayer. Visit the sign-up table after the service—put some skin in the game. As a church, let’s get behind this week of Holy Pursuit in prayer (Zoom this week) and announce some good news in the heavenlies. Let’s look forward to the testimony/good news that’s going to come back next Sunday. Let’s all learn again from these amazing young people about what being on fire and making the news looks like.
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